



Canton of Zürich

  • Harmonious relationship between you and your dog is my primary focus

  • Training methods depend on your personality, experience and aims

  • I teach dog owners how to reach their goals

My principles

  • Fair to a dog

It's crucially important to understand your starting level to focus on realistic goals instead of setting a dog up to a failure.

  • Honest With you

To change a dog's behaviour, we often need to change ourselves. I will help you to change the way you communicate with your dog.


I know how it feels when someone gives up on you. I know how it feels to give up on yourself. When we start working together, I do everything I can to help you reach your goals because I know you can.



  • Our lessons take place at or near your home in Canton of Zürich, Switzerland. I want to make your everyday walks more fun and relaxed, that’s why we train where you walk daily. If we see the need to go to a busier / calmer space outside to train there, we can also do it together.

  • No. Everything is included in the price you pay for the lesson.

  • Yes. I am certified to lead obligatory training courses in canton of Zürich for young and adult dogs (Junghundekurs and Erziehungskurs, Bewilligung: VETA ZH-HAB-0955-260518). When our training goals are reached, I will issue a certificate in your name.

  • Yes. Dogs from the same household or dogs of your family and friends are welcome to join. We can discuss their communication and work on improving their relationship.

  • Yes. All family members and other people who regularly have contact with your dog are welcome to join us.

  • We will need a leash, collar or harness. Sometimes we may need a long leash (5 meters or longer, not a flexi leash).

  • This is one of the hardest questions because it depends on many factors. Usually I make an estimation about that on our first online call, we may correct it on our first lesson or later.

    Every dog has their individual character, inborn predispositions and physical peculiarities. Every human needs their own time to process things and adjust to a new routine. Once we’ve started working together, new problems may arise or we notice already existing issues that seemed to be not as important before.

    I expect you to trust the process. Believe me, my goal is to help you as effective as I can.

  • We meet each other and decide whether we want to work together.

    I will ask you about your dog and your expectations from the training. It is also important for me to tell you how I work and what difficulties may arise on our way so that I’m sure we understand each other and you’re ready to make a change.

  • Yes! You can easily do it online by following the link in the confirmation email you received after scheduling. I ask you to cancel or reschedule our Private lessons (online and offline) at least 24 hours before the start. Otherwise I will have to charge it.

    P.S. I’m also a human, and I understand that you can wake up with a terrible headache or your dog may unexpectedly get sick. If this is an urgent health-related issue, please inform me ASAP, and we will reschedule the lesson.

  • Yes, I understand that life can be unpredictable. If you need a refund, please inform me about it. Since I use an online banking system, I always have to deduct around 3% of the purchase value from the refund amount to compensate for the fee. I will provide you with all the documents stating the exact fee amount.

    Refund is possible only for the lessons that haven’t been used (taken). Please bear in mind that all the lessons that were missed (scheduled and not canceled/rescheduled 24 hours in advance) are considered as used. If you need to request a refund for the certificate, make sure to claim it before the certificate expires; otherwise, all the lessons included will be considered as used.

    Refund for the Intensive Training Camps is calculated based on how many days have passed from the start of your package. Contact me for more information.

  • Lessons take place in English. I can also speak Russian. My German is not fluent enough to lead the lessons at the moment.

  • My name often looks confusing for German-speakers. The first letter “J” sounds the same way it does in the following English words: juice, jelly, jam, joy.