Choose the right day- / holidaycare or a trusted dog sitter
Questions to ask
Where do you normally walk?
Do you let dogs off leash? Where? You let all of them together or in smaller groups?
Where do dogs rest during the day?
Do you separate dogs from each other? How, where, why, for how long?
Are there other employees / interns / friends or family members who look after dogs?
Are the dogs ever left unsupervised? For how long, where?
More difficult (and annoying 😂) ones to check if the person has an action plan for difficult situations:
What would you do if a dog runs off?
How would you stop a dog fight?
What do you do if an unknown dog approaches your pack when you’re walking?
All those questions do not have right or wrong answers.
Please, remember: dog professionals are still humans, and all of us make mistakes. If something stressful happened to your dog while staying at a daycare, try to understand: what has happened and why; what learnings did the caregiver learn from this and what will they adjust to avoid similar situations in the future. Even the best professional may have a dog fight in their group, dogs sometimes do stupid things. An important thing here is that mistakes are not turning into routines.
Finding the right person can take time. Trust your gut feeling and don’t compromise.
My recommendations for businesses I know are here.